"If you want to know what keeps serial entrepreneurs coming back ... In a word: purpose. Their work isn't about single victories--building once and settling in for the long, secure fade. Changing the world is a quest. And that work is never done."

- Steven Berglas, Ph.D., Harvard

Useful resources to help Entrepreneurs

(An asterisk * indicates FREE for entrepreneurs running new tech companies under two years old and under 25 employees to qualify).

Strategy Execution System.*

Free access to the same Strategy Execution System we created to help our own portfolio companies better execute on their strategies. Simply create an account then contact us for a waiver of the fees if you qualify per above.

To TeamEx.

Better Web Presentations.*

Free access to GoPresent which we created to help our own portfolio companies. It overcomes all the things entrepreneurs and sales people hate about the usual Webex or GoToMeeting: never any tech issues, instant connections without setup, no forcing viewers to download time wasting plugins or install software, no reservations needed, no meeting codes to enter, it just works every time instantly. If you like it let us know and we will give you free access if you qualify per above.

To GoPresent.

Building a Sales Team (Best Practices).

Learn how some of the most successful tech companies built their sales teams (structure, comp, incentives, policies, etc) in this revealing interview with some of the very best in the business.

To Report (PDF).

Ongoing Education.*

One of our portfolio companies holds over 300 virtual training sessions per year featuring some of the top executives in North America discussing best practives in their functions. You may see a list of the functions HERE to see a schedule by Function. If any speakers interest you, let us know and we will give you free access to that event if you qualify per above.

To BizSummits.

Lead Generation.

The most expensive part of starting a tech company is getting sales ramped up. One of our portfolio companies (ListK) does lead generation for Oracle, Microsoft and many smaller tech firms. Even if we don't invest in your company, we are sometimes willing to accept stock in exchange for lead gen so you can both preserve your cash and rampup faster. Let us know if you wish to receive more details.

To ListK.

Open CEO Ventures Positions.

View available positions within the CEO Ventures Portfolio of companies.


Contact Southeast VCs and Angels.

Here is a useful spreadsheet of most VC firms and Angels in Atlanta so that you may easily contact them.

View Excel


Our companies give out dozens of scholarships each year to students who have demonstrated leadership (the future entrepreneurs of tomorrow). If you are a student, here is how to apply (minorities especially welcome).

Apply for Scholarship

Learn What VCs Seek.

Find out how VC's evaluate investments, what they look for, and how to better position your company to receive investments.

View Powerpoint

Common Entrepreneur Questions.

Listen to a useful discussion panel of top Atlanta VCs to include CEO Ventures's Michael Price recorded at a recent Georgia Tech University entrepreneur forum Listen and another discussion panel recorded at a recent TER forum of Atlanta's top entrepreneurs.
