Corporate Venturing
for the Global 5000

About the Company

CorpVenturing assists Fortune 5000 firms in creating innovative corporate venturing programs to drive revenue growth, gain competitive advantage, and manage the risk of disruptive competition. Our main services include:

1. Disruptors Scouting

2. Innovation Harvesting

3. Corporate Innovation Funds

4. Corporate Accelerators

5. Centers of Innovation

6. Diligence & Investing

In 2009 most of the angel groups across North America came together to form (the association of angels and accelerators) which is now the world's largest with over 95% of the top 200 angel groups involved. Cummulatively 23,000 startups apply for funding and 800 of them are funded each year from the angel groups that comprise AngelPool. Key global companies soon learned of the mass concentration of deal flow and requested targeted access for investment and acquisition purposes. This was determined as synergistic by the angel groups as an additional source of both capital and distribution for their portfolio companies and the initiative formalized as CorpVenturing in early 2013. CorpVenturing has helped Fortune 500 companies like Georgia Pacific scout for disruptive companies and technologies worth partnering with, acquiring or investing into. We are dedicated to becoming trusted partners in your organization's success. We will work tirelessly to help plan out strategies for your company to gain advantages, growth or reduce risk through our corporate venturing and innovation solutions.

Plug In at No Charge.
Regardless of whether you elect to use CorpVenturing's premium services, AngelPool is committed to helping the heads of Corporate Development, Acquisition, Strategy, and Innovation plug into best practices, collaborate with their peers, and meet the angel groups who can assist with introductions and deal flow. AngelPool hosts quarterly meetings at no charge and just Contact Us for an invite. Just some of the heads of Corporate Development who get together at our quarterly meetings include:

  • ABB Technology Ventures
  • Amazon
  • AMD
  • Applied Materials
  • Autodesk
  • BMC
  • Cisco
  • Dell Ventures
  • Dolby
  • eBay
  • Electronic Arts
  • EMC
  • FaceBook
  • Google
  • Honda Ventures
  • Hyundai Ventures
  • HP
  • IBM Venture Capital
  • Informatica
  • Intuit
  • JDS Uniphase
  • LinkedIn
  • Logitech
  • NEC (America)
  • Nike
  • NetApp
  • NetGear
  • Nuance
  • Openwave
  • PayPal
  • Polycom
  • Samsung Ventures America
  • SanDisk
  • SAP
  • Swisscom Ventures
  • Synaptics
  • Telefonica
  • Texas Instruments
  • Tivo
  • VeriFone
  • VMWare
  • Yahoo!

  • We also host special VIP get-togethers for the top heads of Corp Dev at both the IBF Corporate Venturing & Innovation Conference in Newport Beach and the Global Corporate Venturing Symposium in London (just Contact Us for both special discounts to either conference and an invite to the special VIP Get-Togethers at these conferences).

    Michael Price
    Michael has run an angel fund, chairs the world's largest angel association (AngelPool), has scouted investments on behalf of global companies like Georgia Pacific, has directly invested in over 35 startups, and has assisted over 260 startups in raising over $500M (List). In addition to his extensive venture, angel, banking and M&A experience, he also founded eTrain in 1998 which was sold to a rolloup led by Apax Partners for a 60X multiple so he can relate well to the synergies between founders of disruptive technologies and acquiring companies best positioned to leverage such technologies to drive revenue growth. Michael is also active in numerous volunteer leadership positions to help steward technology-based startups. His undergraduate studies were at THE Ohio State University and University of Akron, and his executive studies include leadership at Stanford's Advanced Management College and competitive strategy at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Business.

    Connor Seabrook
    Connor Seabrook has served as Administrative Partner of Alliance Technology Ventures with venture partners in Boston and Palo Alto and over $250 million under management. Previously Connor served as CFO for Aspen Venture Partners which was a $150 million early stage venture capital partnership. Earlier he was an Associate with 3i Ventures in Boston, worked at Goldman Sachs, and served as a lending officer at The United States Trust Company of New York. Connor received his MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College in 1985, and his Bachelor of Science from Trinity College in 1980.

    Steve Brotman
    Steve Brotman most recently served as Managing Director of Greenhill & Co since 2009 and founded SAVP in 1998 which made seed and early stage investments. Prior to his venture and angel investing, Steve was the founder of AdOne Classified Network which became one of the nation’s leading classified ad web sites and was acquired by Hearst, Scripps and Advance-Newhouse. Steve currently serves on the boards of ReachForce, Critical Mention and Knovel (Observer) and has previously served on the boards of Medidata (Observer), DataSynapse (Observer) and UGO (acquired by Hearst in 2007). In addition, Steve serves on the board of the MIT Enterprise Forum’s New York chapter and has served as a mentor and judge for the Columbia Business School Lang and Greenhouse Funds. Steve received his undergraduate degree in Economics from Duke University and a joint JD/MBA degree with honors from Washington University.

    Mark Ramirez
    Mark has helped advise numerous high-growth companies in their planning and exits as a Chair at Vistage, a large global CEO and senior executive advisory and peer sharing organization. He has specialized and excelled in helping companies build high performing teams in the C-Suite Leadership arena and Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, CRM Software, EMR Software, E-Commerce and Call Center sectors. Mark earned a BA in Political Science from California State University and an MBA from St. Mary's College.

    John Butler
    John has held senior executive and advisory positions at preeminent companies, including Apple, IBM, and Xerox Global Services. With deep roots in high-tech, John’s experience has helped companies—from start-ups to large corporations drive their revenue growth. John is a native of the SanFrancisco/Bay Area with extensive experience in designing revenue and strategy execution systems. He founded Revenue Factors which helps senior executives grow revenue with a greater level of predictability and sustainability.

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