"I think your efforts to connect angel groups and foster better group management is great."
  - Tom Blum, Central New York Angels

"Thanks so much for your continued devotion to this entrepreneurial engine!"
  - Stan Keith, Capital Pulse Network

"I think it is both a brilliant and much needed approach."
  - Frank Creer, Zone VC

What others say about AngelPool

Angels in Groups May Join for Free

Take full advantage of AngelPool resources.

We encourage all angels to join a local angel group near you. This provides free access to most AngelPool resources (if that group has not joined AngelPool yet, just ask them to join for free below--takes 1 minute). Joining an angel group also provides key benefits such as more local deal flow, expertise, help on diligence, meetings and camaraderie.

A. Individual Angels: Join an angel group nearby: * indicates not a member yet. Report error

B. Angel Groups: Joining is Free! Just   Email your angel group name, leader and contact info.

C. Angels Wishing Direct Notification of Meetings. Just fill in the form below. We will verify with your angel group leader that you are a member (or if your angel group is not a part of AngelPool we will ask them to sign up for free), then we will notify you directly of meetings. (If you cannot join an angel group for good reason, put that in the comments and we will give it fair consideration).
Full Name:
City, State:
Angel Group:
Type 12345 to prove
you are human:

D. Entrepreneurs Seeking Funding. We are not a direct source of capital, please apply for funding through one of the angel groups below: * indicates not a member yet. Report error
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