Sharing of Angel Ideas and Best Practices (Knowledge).

Since no single angel group has all the top experts nationwide in its membership, together across all the angel groups we jointly share and exchange our very best ideas, contacts and experts (typically 1-2 angel educational events every month at no charge for all the angel groups that constitute AngelPool).
See our Knowledge Center
Early Exit Resources (coming May).

The only way to profit in angel investing is to have good (and ideally timely) exits. Yet few if any angel groups are exceptional at proactive contact with potential acquirers and the right high level intros. AngelPool provides access to an
Exits Advisory Board, Demo Days at no charge for key exposure, lists of potential acquirers with full contact info on demand, and more.
Tools to Expand Your Angel Group (or Start One).

Frequent ideas sharing across top angel group leaders on how to attract additional angels (
Example Ideas), plus practical tools such as lists of top CEOs/Executives/Angels in your metro so that you can invite them to join or get involved. For lists requests (no charge), member angel group chairs can just email mprice [at] and we will send the list to you.
Funding Partners or Additional Deal Flow (Syndications).

For those Angel Groups that need additional capital to complete a seed round or that want to make sure they don't miss any key deals in their region, the AngelPool syndication network provides a convenient webconference meeting every month for rapid, time efficient sharing of key angel deals across angel groups within each region.
Better Track Your Portfolio Companies.

As angel groups grow it becomes harder to closely monitor each portfolio company's progress on milestones (and keep members updated). AngelPool provides members a system at no charge that both helps companies stay on top of their milestones and reports progress to the angel group. Simply create an account at then notify mprice [at] to comp you.
Co-Investment Fund Your Angel Group Can Tap Into.

We are actively exploring the formation of a co-investment fund angel groups can tap into so they can fund more companies and ensure each has sufficient capital. Angels are being asked for increasingly larger rounds as the number of early stage VCs keeps dropping. After discussions with key Institutional LPs we will then update all the angel groups on the progress.
Mentoring & Experts.

In April the next version of the AngelPool site will have automatic mentor matching. Your portfolio companies will find mentors with deep industry expertise in their space at no charge. We will also be reaching out to company founders and executives nationwide to encourage them to volunteer to mentor and help the tech community
Standardized Application Forms.

Need a good form to place on your site or pass to companies seeking funding? Here is a great application, using Word insert your group's email at the top and it is ready to send out or place on your web site. To edit more extensively click Tools>Unprotect, make your edits, click the "Design Mode" button to exit design mode, Tools>Protect, confirm with or without a password, then save it).
Sample App (right click then "Save as").
Screening Committee Webconferencing.

For groups with a lot of deal flow, webconferencing can help sort which are worth an in-person screen. Member groups have access to the same system used for our Syndication events at no charge. Simply create an account at then notify mprice [at] to comp you.
Closing Documents.

Over 60% of superangels have standardized and adopted closing documents you will find at the link below. It allows for a highly efficient process with minimal legal expenses and the most well-vetted documents in existence.
To Documents.
Logo for Your Angel Web Site.

Displaying the AngelPool membership logo signals your angel group is serious about professionalism, continuous education, your members have access to the educational events here to foster best practices, and minimal or low charges for entrepreneurs to present.
Join AngelPool (no charge).
Logo for your site (right click then "Save as"):
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