- Catherine Calarco, MIT Angels of Northern CA
"Fantastic. I cannot think of anything you can do better."
- Geoff Robson, Innovation Valley Angels
"AngelPool has done an admirable job of bringing relevant content and very interesting speakers"
- Bruce Goodwin, Midwest Venture Alliance
"You guys are doing a great job and I appreciate your efforts towards this cause."
- Oscar Moralez, Stepstone Angels
"Congrats on the rapid growth ... as well as the overall process.."
- Frank Ball, New Dominion Angels
"cheers for your efforts to network and assist angel groups...they are relevant and useful."
- Mark Plovnick, San Joaquin Angels
"I really applaud your fantastic work and momentum you have created."
- Susan Preston, CalCEF Clean Energy Angel Fund

Angel Groups that Comprise AngelPool
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Midwest Region Angel Groups Comprising Angelpool.

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